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The pillars to our success

Our Pillars

Feminist leadership development

Intersectional Feminist Education

Mental Health Support

Work readiness Support


Take a Look at the programmes we provide


Active & Caring Community

Tamùkke Feminists is an intersectional feminist collective that centers community care, women's rights and gender justice in Guyana. We were formed in 2017 with an aim of building public education on issues relevant to women and their social, economic and political development.

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Free and equal citizens are what we stand for. We demand that social issues are resolved at the government level.

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    Social Awareness

    The number of black citizens who stay out of protests is extremely low. It proves that the issues with ethnicity have never been under control. Make your choice and vote!

    The number of black citizens who stay out of protests is extremely low. It proves that the issues with ethnicity have never been under control. Make your choice and vote!


    Make a Donation

    Building a Better Future

    Personal Info

    Donation Total: $10
